Harris Michael Frank, Dr. med. et MME

Mitarbeiter Lehre

Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern

Michael Harris, MB BS, FRCGP, MMEd, is a British general practitioner (GP), primary care researcher and medical educator. He was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP, UK) in 2001, and became a Master of Medical Education (University of Dundee, UK) in 2003. He was Associate Postgraduate Dean in the UK’s Severn Deanery until 2013. During that time, he was responsible for GP education in the Bristol area and for the School of Primary Care’s Quality Assurance processes.

Michael has been part of the team at the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) at the University of Bern since 2009, where he is now Research Associate.  He is also Visiting Professor at the Shupyk National Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine, and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bath, UK.

He leads a variety of research and education projects at these universities, including educational research (Switzerland), research on the factors influencing the timely diagnosis of cancer in primary care (UK), and developing primary care research training and capability (Ukraine). His work involves leading a large international collaborative research project: he is PI of the 25-country Örenäs Research Group. He represents the UK at the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN, www.egprn.org).  

  • Medical education research
  • Factors affecting timeliness of cancer diagnosis in primary care
  • Factors affecting choice of general practice as a career