Workforce Force Study Bern

Research question

We are interested in understanding how many general practitioners and pediatricans currently work in the Canton of Bern and how this workforce will be estimated within the next 5 years.


Project leader Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Sven Streit and Dr. med. Zsofia Rozsnyai
Project team Dr. med. Rainer Felber
Yvan Rielle, lic.rer.soc.
Ester Kraft, lic. rer. oec.
Prof. Dr. med. Aristomenis Exadaktylos MSc FRCEM
Reto Jörg, lic. rer.soc.
Susanne Kick
Study start
Summer 2019
Funder(s) HaST (, BEKAG (, VBHK (, FMH ( and UNZ (