PD Dr Orestis Efthimiou is a senior biostatistician. He studied Physics in the University of Athens and did a PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2008, in the University of Ioannina, Greece. In 2017 he received a second PhD in Biostatistics from the same university. In 2020 he was granted a Habilitation in Biostatistics by the University of Bern. In 2020 he was awarded an Honorary membership from the Psychiatry Department, University of Oxford, UK. He joined the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) as the Head of the Clinical Evidence & Guidelines Group in April 2022.

Dr Efthimiou has extensive experience in evidence synthesis, and he has worked in the development of novel statistical methodologies for meta-analysis and network meta-analysis. His recent work is particularly focused in utilizing individual participant data for estimating patient-level treatment effects and in prediction modelling. He has substantial experience in teaching statistics and epidemiology.